Dealing with the holidays : Moonglow Pet Blog

Moonglow IGs blog

Dealing with the holidays

by Marsha Pugh on 12/31/13

It is New Years Eve and soon the fireworks and gun fire will be sounding in midnight. 

I plan to stay home and watch some DVD's this year.  Christmas was hectic and we have more visiting to do over the weekend, so staying home tonight isn't bad enough to make me pout. 

My favorite TV show will be resuming in two weeks so I can catch up by watching a marathon season 1 or the first 8 episodes of season 2. 

In the meantime all the Iggies are curled up on the sofa under blankets or asleep in donut beds by the wood stove.  They are glad to be back to normal.  No company, no wrapping, no shopping, and no baking that keeps me away from being their favorite cushion.

We did have a wee bit of a stomach upset,  Allison received a few too many rich treats so she is on a bland diet for a few days.  She is so rarely sick that she surprsied me.  Someone must have given her something that I didn't approve.  It happens because IGs cn be very earthy and find the most interesting and impalatable items to eat, so I am usually prepared with Lambert's Pectillin from Pet Co.  I keep it on hand to soothe a gurgly tummy or mild diarrhea.  A few doses and she will be back to normal.

Here is hoping everyone had a very Merry Christams and wishing everyone a Safe, Happy and Healthy New Year.

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